班级规模及环境--热线:4008699035 手机:15921673576( 微信同号) |
坚持小班授课,为保证培训效果,增加互动环节,每期人数限3到5人。 |
上课时间和地点 |
上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦 【广州分部】:广粮大厦 【西安分部】:协同大厦
近开课时间(周末班/连续班/晚班):2024年12月30日......(欢迎您垂询,视教育质量为生命!) |
实验设备 |
★实验设备请点击这儿查看★ |
质量保障 |
3、培训合格学员可享受免费推荐就业机会。 |
课程大纲 |
Oracle 10g Discoverer Desktop For End Users培训
Oracle 10g Discoverer Desktop For End Users培训
1. Introduction to Workbooks
Benefits of Discoverer
Understanding Discoverer components
Starting Discoverer Desktop
Opening a workbook
2. Working with Workbooks
The Workbook window
Selecting sections in worksheets
Formatting worksheets
3. Creating Workbooks
Types Of worksheets
Creating tabular worksheets
Creating crosstab worksheets
4. Customizing the Display
Customizing item headings
Customizing data displays
Customizing report headings
5. Conditions and Parameters
Creating a condition
Parameters in conditions
Multiple conditions
6. Group Sorts and Summaries
Creating group-sorted output
Including totals and subtotals
7. Calculated Items
Creating calculated items
Calculating percentage of the whole
Applying functions
Key SQL functions
Key conversion functions
Key date functions
Key numeric functions
Key string functions
Other key functions
8. Managing Queries, Worksheets, and Workbooks
Copy a query sheet as a table
Copy a worksheet as a crosstab
Monitoring query execution
9. Conditions and Subqueries
Creating subqueries in conditions
10. Drills in Worksheets
Identifying drill types
11. Analyze Data Graphically
Graphically analyze table output
12. Scheduling and Managing Queries
Scheduling periodical queries
Scheduling a report
Viewing scheduled notebooks
13. Advanced Options
Support for MS Excel and other file formats
Other advanced features
"What Your Discoverer Manager Can Do for You"