班级人数--热线:4008699035 手机:15921673576( 微信同号) |
保障培训效果,坚持小班授课,每个班级的人数限3到5人,超过限定人数,安排到下一期进行学习。 |
授课地点及时间 |
上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【广州分部】:广粮大厦 【西安分部】:协同大厦 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦
开班时间(连续班/晚班/周末班):2025年3月24日............................(欢迎您垂询,视教育质量为生命!) |
课时 |
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质量以及保障 |
☆ 2、在课程结束之后,授课老师会留给学员手机和E-mail,免费提供半年的课程技术支持,以便保证培训后的继续消化;
☆4、合格学员免费颁发相关工程师等资格证书,提升您的职业资质。 |
☆课程大纲☆ |
Understanding Ourselves and Others
What makes us behave the way we do?
How can we understand which parts of this behaviour is acceptable – is required by our role in the business – and which parts are not acceptable?
Feedback: how do others see and relate to us?
How do we communicate with others?
What are the advantages / disadvantages of the various communications media?
What do we mean by Effective Communication and how do we achieve it?
Our respective thinking and learning styles and how they can be applied to our day-to-day work
Management v Leadership
What is Management? What is Leadership?
What is the difference between Management and Leadership?
Analysing Leadership Behaviour
Analysing the difference Management Styles – and understand when to use them
The importance of Communication – including:
Verbal Communication
Vocal Communication
Visual Communication
Emotional Intelligence
Emotions and their consequences
The importance of understanding our “EQ” (as opposed to the more-standard IQ)
The five stages of Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence model:
Social Skills
Transactional Analysis
Why do we act / react in a certain way to colleagues and customers?
How can we build rapport with colleagues and customers?
What are the benefits of “True Rapport” in our inter-personal relationships?
Building a Successful Team
What is a Team?
The stages of Team Development
Goal and Objective Setting
Goal Setting – for the company
Objective Setting – for the staff
Drafting and Aligning Objectives
Performance Management
Stakeholder Management
People and the Service-Profit Chain
Satisfying Stakeholders
Stakeholder Analysis: internal and external stakeholders
What is Delegation?
The Stages of Delegation
What is Coaching?
Using the G R O W model for effective coaching
Handling Conflict
What causes conflict?
The Phases of Conflict Handling
Understanding the Conflict
Understanding your / the other person’s position in the conflict
Resolving the Conflict
Kilmann’s Five Conflict-Handling Modes – and how to apply them:
Bridging the Gap