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Data Science for Big Data Analytics培训
   班级规模及环境--热线:4008699035 手机:15921673576( 微信同号)
开课地址:【上海】同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站)【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦【成都分部】:领馆区1号【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学【郑州分部】:锦华大厦【石家庄分部】:瑞景大厦【北京分部】:北京中山 【南京分部】:金港大厦
新开班 (连续班 、周末班、晚班):2024年12月30日......(欢迎您垂询,视教育质量为生命!)
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  • Introduction to Data Science for Big Data Analytics
    Data Science Overview
    Big Data Overview
    Data Structures
    Drivers and complexities of Big Data
    Big Data ecosystem and a new approach to analytics
    Key technologies in Big Data
    Data Mining process and problems
    Association Pattern Mining
    Data Clustering
    Outlier Detection
    Data Classification
    Introduction to Data Analytics lifecycle
    Data preparation
    Model planning
    Model building
    Presentation/Communication of results
    Exercise: Case study
    From this point most of the training time (80%) will be spent on examples and exercises in R and related big data technology.
    Getting started with R
    Installing R and Rstudio
    Features of R language
    Objects in R
    Data in R
    Data manipulation
    Big data issues
    Getting started with Hadoop
    Installing Hadoop
    Understanding Hadoop modes
    MapReduce architecture
    Hadoop related projects overview
    Writing programs in Hadoop MapReduce
    Integrating R and Hadoop with RHadoop
    Components of RHadoop
    Installing RHadoop and connecting with Hadoop
    The architecture of RHadoop
    Hadoop streaming with R
    Data analytics problem solving with RHadoop
    Pre-processing and preparing data
    Data preparation steps
    Feature extraction
    Data cleaning
    Data integration and transformation
    Data reduction – sampling, feature subset selection,
    Dimensionality reduction
    Discretization and binning
    Exercises and Case study
    Exploratory data analytic methods in R
    Descriptive statistics
    Exploratory data analysis
    Visualization – preliminary steps
    Visualizing single variable
    Examining multiple variables
    Statistical methods for evaluation
    Hypothesis testing
    Exercises and Case study
    Data Visualizations
    Basic visualizations in R
    Packages for data visualization ggplot2, lattice, plotly, lattice
    Formatting plots in R
    Advanced graphs
    Regression (Estimating future values)
    Linear regression
    Use cases
    Model description
    Problems with linear regression
    Shrinkage methods, ridge regression, the lasso
    Generalizations and nonlinearity
    Regression splines
    Local polynomial regression
    Generalized additive models
    Regression with RHadoop
    Exercises and Case study
    The classification related problems
    Bayesian refresher
    Naïve Bayes
    Logistic regression
    K-nearest neighbors
    Decision trees algorithm
    Neural networks
    Support vector machines
    Diagnostics of classifiers
    Comparison of classification methods
    Scalable classification algorithms
    Exercises and Case study
    Assessing model performance and selection
    Bias, Variance and model complexity
    Accuracy vs Interpretability
    Evaluating classifiers
    Measures of model/algorithm performance
    Hold-out method of validation
    Tuning machine learning algorithms with caret package
    Visualizing model performance with Profit ROC and Lift curves
    Ensemble Methods
    Random Forests
    Gradient boosting
    Exercises and Case study
    Support vector machines for classification and regression
    Maximal Margin classifiers
    Support vector classifiers
    Support vector machines
    SVM’s for classification problems
    SVM’s for regression problems
    Exercises and Case study
    Identifying unknown groupings within a data set
    Feature Selection for Clustering
    Representative based algorithms: k-means, k-medoids
    Hierarchical algorithms: agglomerative and divisive methods
    Probabilistic base algorithms: EM
    Density based algorithms: DBSCAN, DENCLUE
    Cluster validation
    Advanced clustering concepts
    Clustering with RHadoop
    Exercises and Case study
    Discovering connections with Link Analysis
    Link analysis concepts
    Metrics for analyzing networks
    The Pagerank algorithm
    Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search
    Link Prediction
    Exercises and Case study
    Association Pattern Mining
    Frequent Pattern Mining Model
    Scalability issues in frequent pattern mining
    Brute Force algorithms
    Apriori algorithm
    The FP growth approach
    Evaluation of Candidate Rules
    Applications of Association Rules
    Validation and Testing
    Association rules with R and Hadoop
    Exercises and Case study
    Constructing recommendation engines
    Understanding recommender systems
    Data mining techniques used in recommender systems
    Recommender systems with recommenderlab package
    Evaluating the recommender systems
    Recommendations with RHadoop
    Exercise: Building recommendation engine
    Text analysis
    Text analysis steps
    Collecting raw text
    Bag of words
    Term Frequency –Inverse Document Frequency
    Determining Sentiments
    Exercises and Case study
  备案号:沪ICP备08026168号 .(2014年7月11)...................